My research uses large-scale data analysis and AI to understand how infrastructure development impacts human and planetary health in an urban context. Specifically, I focus on improving social connectedness and well-being for climate resilience. I employ a variety of unconventional data sources, including satellite imagery, citizen-sourced data, and social media content to model the built and natural environment for geographical locations with limited conventional data. I am co-advised by Gretchen Daily and Abby King.

Prior to Stanford, I studied data science and AI for Product Innovation at Duke University where I obtained a Master of Engineering Management. I was a Sustainability Graduate Intern at Lyft, Inc. where I completed and rebuilt their 2020 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory and Report and designed an air quality model forecasting potential health benefits of EV adoption for underserved communities. I received an M.S. in Medical Science from the University of Colorado School of Medicine and a B.S. in Animal Science with Distinction in Research from Cornell University. I'm a Dean's Graduate Scholar in the Doerr School of Sustainability, a Graduate Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI), and a Stanford Dalai Lama Fellow.